
Monday, October 26, 2009

DIY: Acrylic Nails with ASP Kit

Please visit my latest post on acrylic nails HERE.  :)

I went to Sally Beauty Supply the other day and picked up....,default,pd.html?cgid=Nail03

It is the ASP All in One Pink and White Kit. It comes with a pink acrylic powder, a white acrylic powder, 20 tips, acrylic bonding liquid, nail glue, a brush to apply the products and a mini nail file. It cost me about $12 with my Beauty Club Card. I paint my nails different every week, and I've done the press on nails....etc. I've never tried any acrylic type of stuff before. SO! I am a beginner! BUT! Here's a picture from right now!

I took the picture with my phone, so it might not be the best quality, but! They look pretty nice I think! It took a little time, I won't deny that, and the acrylic bonding liquid will make your room/house smell like a nail salon, but it's so much cheaper to do it this way!

I cut my natural nails short. I laid out what tips I was going to use on what fingers first (the kit has 20 tips, but some are for wider nails and I guess I have skinny fingers). I used my bar file (that nail file that's a long rectangle thing?) to rough my nails up a little so the glue could stick, I carefully glued the nails on (btw, these tips have little indents indicating how far you should put them down on your nail). I put the white powder and liquid solution to the tips, I did the pink powder and liquid solution over the nail bed and over my tips (the pink is pretty translucent so it won't discolor the tips). I used my bar file again to smooth the surface of my nail. I also added a top coat to my nails.

These nails look pretty matte. SO, if you're not into that, you may want to purchase a some sort of buffer liquid or something to make them shinier.

But anyway, if you can do 2 sets of nails with this kit, it's only $6 a set! NICE!

Hope yall find this interesting!

OH, btw - the acrylic stuff sets in like, 3 minutes with no UV light or anything. It's like painting your nails. Paint it on, leave it alone until it's completely dry, and then go from there.